すぐに使えるビジネス英会話 復習教材【まるごと慣用表現】リリース!

すぐに使えるビジネス英会話 復習教材【まるごと慣用表現】リリース!

2023年08月01日 4時00分


お申込み方法についてはこちらをご確認ください 。









基本語 98レッスン

1takeLet me take some pictures of the mountains.
Let me take your temperature.
Let’s take a taxi.
Seems like he took a ring from a jewelry store.
I would take them to an amusement park.
2giveLet me give you a hand.
Why don’t you give it a kick? 
You almost gave me a heart attack. 
Just give me another 20 minutes.
I give you our new CEO.
3getI don’t get it. 
Don’t get me wrong. 
Her song really got me.
I got my car repaired.
I got married.
4catchThat 24k gold ruby necklace really caught my attention.
The door caught my finger.
She went swimming last night and caught a bad cold.
I have a train to catch in 30 minutes.
The files caught on fire.
5haveWhatever I have is yours.
I have a problem.
I’ll have him do it. 
Have it your own way.
I’ll have no choice but to quit. 
6keepKeep the elevator open.
They keep to the right.
Did you keep in touch with her?
I didn’t keep my promise.
The cream in the cakes won’t keep more than three days.
7holdYou have to hold your breath.
Hold the onions.
He holds the world record.
I don’t think the desk is going to hold.
This spoon holds up to about 5 ml.
8putPut an 84 yen stamp on the envelope.
Why don’t you put…
Some eye drops in your eyes?
Let me put it this way.
Maybe we should put an end to it? 
Don’t put the blame on me.
9setYou can help setting the table? 
I set my mind to something.
I will set the alarm for 4:50.
It’s about time to set it free.
The sun is setting behind Mount. Fuji.
10makeI made some chocolate cupcakes.
In order to make a good impression, you should wear a suit.
Make yourself at home.
Don’t make fun of him!
Make your choice.
11breakHe broke his promise.
Can you break a 10,000 yen bill.
Smoking is a very hard habit to break.
She just broke into tears.
I hate to break this bad news to him.
12cutThe file cut my finger.
Why don’t we cut work.
My income was cut to a third.
Shall I cut it with more milk.
I’ll cut the long story short.
13goHe went swimming in the gym.
That tie goes really well with your jacket.
Everything must go.
Something goes wrong, I’ll get fired.
The milk in the fridge went bad.
14comeMay I come to your office.
The news really came as a shock.
It is a dream come true.
Work comes first.
It comes in multiple colors
15bringCan you bring me a glass of water.
Exercise brings you good health.
Money can bring out the worst in people.
What brings you here.
The warm spring breeze brings the cherry blossom into full bloom.
You can carry her in your arms.
16carryMy car can only carry five.
Be sure to carry your ID with you.
Channel 7 is carrying a live report.
She barely carries herself.
17runI like running along the beach.
I have a pain running from my foot to my knee.
You don’t get to see a river running through the city.
It is running very well.
My pantyhose ran.
18lookLook! A UFO!
You look happy.
I am looking for a house that looks to the east.
You don’t look your age.
Things are not looking good.
19seeDid you see the baseball game.
You can’t see anything.
I’ll see you at the restaurant
If you would see page 30.
I can’t see the point of getting another car.
20watchWatch TV after having dinner.
Can you watch my bag.
Watch where you are going!
Watch your language. 
We have to watch the time.
21speakHow many languages can you speak?
Can I speak with Tom.
I speak about it.
Can you speak up a little?
I can’t speak for everyone.
22talkHe has been talking on the phone.
My husband talks in his sleep.
You can teach babies how to talk in sign language.
Money talks.
My wife is trying to talk me out of going.
23say Could you say your name again?
My watch says 3:00. 
He talked a lot, but didn’t say much.
You can say that again.
What does that sign say over there?
24tellDo tell.
Your red face tells me your rage.
Tell me the truth.
Tell the difference between them except their mother.
No one can tell what will happen in the future.
25push All you have to do is to push a button.
The train pushed ahead through the heavy snow.
My mother is pushing me into marriage.
It’s pushing 38 million…
The company is pushing for international recognition.
26pressThen a big paver presses it tight…
Why don’t you try pressing Ctrl + Alt + Delete?
Why are you pressing your face and hands against the window?
She liked to press me to her chest and told me everything would be alright.
There are too many problems pressing on my mind.
27pullA fish is pulling.
The dentist said I might need to have it pulled.
she pulls a face whenever she sees me.
I was pulled over by a police officer this morning. 
Be careful not to pull a muscle when you’re jogging.
28drawWe need to draw some blood for the health checkup.
The archery master drew his bow so beautifully…
His hard work must have drawn the attention of the boss.
I do feel drawn to her.
The game was drawn.
29hitMy friend got hit by a car.
It hit an all-time low.
The real meaning of her words suddenly hit me one day.
I grew up in a small fishing village and one day, the tidal wave hit us.
Wow, did you hit on her?
30strikeThe clock is striking 6.
The news said a powerful earthquake may strike the Kansai area soon.
It struck me that I had no money with me. 
When the spot light strikes on my face…
He strikes me as a very serious young man.
31closeSorry, we’re closed.
I’d like to close my bank account.
When he closed his speech with a quote from Lincoln.
This road is closed to large vehicles. 
The police were closing in on him.
32shutDon’t shut the door! 
The department of health shut down our factory.
I shut my fingers on the car door.
Don’t shut the laptop so hard.
It won’t let me shut the umbrella.

1inJimmy’s in the kitchen, cooking us some food.
There is a woman walking in the rain without an umbrella.
That woman in a white sweater?
I can only find cattle in the field.
The only way to locate us is that we can see small hills in the west.
What do you mean you’re in trouble?
2outBeing out in the sun feels so good.
He is out at the moment.
Why don’t you spread them out on the ground
Out of sight, out of mind.
The gasoline is running out.
3onLook at these apples on the tree.
There is a stain on your shirt!
Maybe try sleeping on your side?
I have some cash on me.
Everything is on schedule.
4offThe flowers are falling off the cherry trees.
Everything is 90 percent off!
You’re getting off the subject.
I’m off duty today.
7 km off the coast.
5atI met you at the park 10 years ago.
It was love at first sight.
How long has he been at this job?
Why don’t you come again at 5 p.m.?
I feel sick at the stomach.
6toFlowers are at their best.
She went to the drugstore for some aspirins.
It will get back to normal again when it rains.
The key to success.
I would like to make a toast to the groom.
Here is to someone.
I went to a live band show where people dance to music together.
7forI’m leaving for London tomorrow.
Are you for or against the new welfare tax?
I’m all for it.
What are you giving me for my birthday?
I’m here to speak for your employees.
The first license is only valid for three years.
8ofThe eyes of the animal are very authentic.
I feel like seeing a movie of fantasy.
I live in a town 10 kilometers north of Tokyo.
A man robbed me of my bag.
He supports a big family of six.
9withI am with my colleague.
It’s rude to talk with food in your mouth.
Are you with me?
The glitter ones go with your dress so nicely.
She was shivering with cold.
10byI grew up by the ocean.
You never play by the rules.
I commute by subway.
I learned English by watching American TV dramas.
I want the files on my desk by 10 a.m. tomorrow.
11underHide under the desk!
If you have an annual income under 1,030,000 yen.
Everything is under control.
My car is under repair.
That book goes under the category historical novels.
12belowWhen I dived below the surface of the water, it’s like a whole new world.
The temperature was below zero.
Her education background is below average.
That’s below contempt.
A director is below a vice-president.
13aboveIt’s 3,776 meters above sea level.
Her score is far above everyone else’s.
I want an apartment that is above a convenience store.
This problem is above my rank.
You can’t go above me and talk to the president directly.
14overI just saw a cat jumping over a fence easily. 
Can you help me put a white cloth over the table?
He ruled over China for 35 years.
I talked to her over the phone.
He lost his job over a scandal.
15beyondIt’s just beyond those trees.
It’s beyond my reach.
The situation is beyond our control.
I can’t go beyond the borderline.
You can’t stay out beyond 10 o’clock.
16throughThere is a saying that time is like sand running through your fingers.
A bee just flew in through the window.
I’m halfway through it.
We work Monday through Sunday.
We have helped him search through the office.
17acrossI noticed that when walking across a street…
I live across town.
He had five stitches across his eyebrow.
I just lie across the bed and stare up at the ceiling.
People come here from across the nation.
18alongWe go to a nice restaurant and go walking along the beach later…
There is a gas station along this street.
Come along with me.
You have to do this along the manual.
Are you and the other colleagues getting along well?
A director is below a vice-president.
19betweenCan you set it between the couch and the TV?
Lime is between green and yellow.
Why don’t you work it out between you two, and get back to me.
Between working and being a mother, she also does volunteer work.
You have to read between the lines.
20againstLet’s sail against the current.
Shall we put our ears against the wall and listen for it?
There was one vote against me.
Your white suit stands out against all the dark ones.
The odds are against our winning the game.

1hold backA dam holds back water.
I held back my tears.
He is holding back something from us.
Don’t hold back.
I don’t want to hold you back.
2hold on Please hold on a minute.
Hold on to your dogs tight.
There’s no meaning in holding on to the past.
It’s hard to keep the business going. I’m holding on.
Some politicians want to hold on to power at all costs.
3hold upCan you hold the phone up? So everyone can be in it.
The train was held up for an hour.
I wish this fine weather will hold up for a couple of days.
Your theory won’t hold up under close examination.
Two men held up the bank.
4hold downThe food tastes too bad. I can barely hold it down.
We need to hold our heads down when we walk through the door.
You held the robber down until the police showed up.
He will hold down a job for more than six months.
Don’t hold yourself down.
5keep downYou keep your head down all the time looking at your phone.
I kept down my anger.
We have to keep down the cost of electricity.
The government had to send out the army to keep down the riot.
The food was so terrible that I could barely keep it down.
6keep offThis will keep off mosquitos.
You need to keep off fatty foods.
Be sure to keep the lights off while you are away next time.
That’s so beautiful that I couldn’t keep my eyes off.
Keep your hands off.
7keep onYou must keep on trying.
You need to keep on with this treatment for another six months.
Go down the main street and keep on until you see a big intersection.
You really need to keep an eye on it.
We kept on dancing all night.
8keep outMaybe a house alarm system could keep out burglars.
I was kept out of my car for an hour.
Nothing can keep me out of my own country.
Don’t keep me out.
Thanks to the tent, we were able to keep out the cold.
9keep backYou should take the books back to the library.
I take back what I said.
Listening to it really takes me back to my youth.
I don’t think she would ever take me back.
Why don’t you take it back?
10take inHow about we take in about two centimeters here?
That IT company managed to take in a lot of money.
He spoke so fast that it’s hard to take in what he said.
She’ll take you in.
Be careful not to be taken in by their sweet words.
11take offDo I need to take my mask off?
She has taken a lot of weight off.
I need to take a day off tomorrow.
Could you take a little more off at the back?
The plane’s going to take off in 30 minutes.
12take onDon’t take on more than you can do.
The situation begins to take on a new aspect.
He wants to take on someone who is better than him.
The company is taking on five new staff.
The bus can’t take on more passengers.
13take outWill you take out the garbage?
Will you take me out tonight?
I had a hard time taking out that stain from your shirt.
He took out a life insurance policy on his wife.
Don’t take it out on me.
14take upWas it hard to take up the old carpet?
It’s so huge that it would take up all the space.
I’m sorry to have taken up your precious time.
I want to take up a new hobby!
Maybe he/she can take up my pants a few inches.
15take downCould you take that file down from the top shelf?
Who wants to take down the decorations?
Could you help me take down the tent?
I took down every word he said, just in case.
I take down buildings.
16give offThe liquid gave off an awful smell.
Power plants give off a lot of heat.
She gives off an indifferent quality.
I would choose hybrid cars because they give off less carbon dioxide…
The engine is giving off a weird sound.
17give awayShe gave away all her money.
His words give away his personality.
He was giving away the bride.
One of the members on the committee gave away some secret.
We are giving away our latest face masks for free.
18give overThe volunteer group gave over lots of toys to orphans.
I gave that matter over to Mr. Takahashi.
He gave himself over to the police.
He has given his life over to making people healthier.
I believe once you give yourself over to gambling, your life is over!
19give outWhat a good idea of yours to give out free cake samples in the beginning.
It gave out a huge bright flash.
The gas gave out.
Don’t give out your credit card number to a third party.
Mr. Nakamura’s lungs gave out after years of smoking.
20give upShe seems to have given up all hope.
I gave up smoking.
His weekends are usually given up to business meetings.
Give up your seat.
Let’s give it up for Ms. Hashimoto.
21get byI stepped aside so the delivery person could get by.
Her financial health is barely enough to just get by.
I barely got by the test.
They never let any violation get by them.
I wonder how the typos got by.
22get overI’ll get to the park when I get over the bridge.
Get yourself over here! 
I just can’t get over the fact that he hates me.
He managed to get over his cancer.
Let’s get it over with.
23carry awayHe was being carried away on a stretcher.
The wind carried my kite away.
You can easily get carried away.
The music carries me away.
A seagull carried my hat away.
24carry outCould you carry the sofa out into the garden?
They carried out the design.
He would carry out his promise.
In order to carry out that kind of renovation…
Do you think you can carry out the duty?
25carry onThey’ve been carrying on a campaign.
Why don’t we carry on our conversation?
She just carried on about her colleagues.
You should carry on studying English.
Please carry on the good work.
26bring downIf you bring down the price a little bit, I will buy one.
We need to gather enough votes to bring the government down!
The pilot brought the plane down.
His magnificent voice brought down the house.
The police brought him down to the hospital.
27bring inDo not bring in things that have nothing to do with your work.
The new job brings in twice the salary.
The suspect was brought in for questioning.
The jury took a considerable amount of time to bring in its verdict…
The company just brought in a new clock-in system.
28bring outI heard that they adopt a teaching method that brings out children’s…
He tries his utmost himself first to bring out the best in people all the time.
He’s going to bring out another book on “A.I. lifestyle” next month.
A little salt will bring out the flavor.
Why don’t you bring him out to the office’s Christmas party this year?
29bring upHe was brought up in California.
She brought up all she had eaten.
You should bring up the subject at the meeting.
Why would you bring it up?
We need to bring the quality of our bath products up to the world standard.
30come inPlease come in.
I was amazed to hear that Hiro came in second in the half marathon.
The cold season is coming in.
Long skirts are now coming in.
It will come in handy one day.
31come outThe stain might come out.
The sun has come out.
Things came out better than I’d expected.
When is the book coming out?
The report came out a disaster.
32come acrossAn idea came across my mind.
I came across my boss.
We came across a 17th century clock.
Your message didn’t come across clearly.
She came across as a little arrogant.
33go onI want to go on working as a police officer.
He went on and on about his work.
What’s going on here?
Life will go on.
I went on the path as a song composer.
34go downHe went down on one knee.
why don’t you go down to the station and wait for me there?
This brand goes down quite well with beer lovers.
If I go down, I will drag you down with me.
You are going down.
35go throughCars over the height of 2.2 meters cannot go through the gate.
She went through a lot.
The police went through all his belongings.
The new policy will never go through.
Can you go through this business proposal and tell me your honest opinion?
36put downWill you put your name down here?
Don’t put yourself down like that!
The police were sent out to put down the strike.
They put down a substantial amount of money.
I just couldn’t put it down.
37put inI put a lot of time and money in studying English.
She said she’d already put in a request for a transfer to a new campus.
Bob always puts in unwanted opinions.
They put in more than one thousand brand-new touch panels…
I wonder if you could put in a good word for me.
38put outHe put his hand out to welcome me.
Could you put out the trash before eight a.m. tomorrow morning?
The firefighters put out the fire in ten minutes.
Can you put the lights out before you leave?
Let me just put it out there.
39put upWe need to put up a tent around here.
You look great with your hair put up.
Put up money for this space station program.
They put up a good fight.
I can’t put up with her bad temper any more.
40break downOur car broke down on our way home.
You need to break down your long speech into several components.
She broke down at his funeral.
His health broke down.
I am thinking about breaking down this wall…
41break inThe burglar broke in.
I’m trying to break in this new pair of shoes.
That’s why she even knows how to break in wild horses!
I’m sorry to break in.
How long does it take to break in a new engine?
42break outThey said a fire broke out in the concert hall.
I need to break out of this boring routine.
Three convicts broke out of prison.
Cholera broke out.
The rumor broke out.
43break upThe pot broke up.
He was just in time to break up the fight between the two boys.
You said it’s already been a month since you two broke up.
The peace negotiation broke up.
The clouds began to break up.
44run downWe changed into swimming suits, ran down the hill, and dived in the lake.
A truck driver ran down two cyclists.
Business is running down.
The battery is running down.
I felt a shooting pain running down my right leg.
45run offHe took the bag and ran off.
The melting snow runs off into rivers.
He ran off the topic.
The secretary ran off ten copies.
You just run off in a different direction and see if he does the same too.
46run outOur dog ran out.
Time is running out.
Do I need to renew my subscription once it runs out?
I ran out of business.
We’re running out of copy paper in the office.

慣用表現 95レッスン

1Good for you.
Give me a break.
Hang in there.
Here we go!
2Stay with me.
You must be kidding.
There’s no rush.
What’s the point?
3No way!
Take a guess.
Go away.
Way to go!
4Easy does it.
Are you OK? 
I’ll do it later. 
Just curious.
5I found it.
I know just how you feel.
I’ll take that back.
Go ahead.
6I did it!
That’s life.
It depends.
Let me in!
7Forward march!
We see eye to eye.
I’ll treasure it.
Don’t get angry.
8Better luck next time.
Get out of my face right now!
This is between you and me.
I didn’t mean to.
9So what?
What is it like?
You’ll be sorry.
How could you?
10Lucky you!
I wish I could see you.
Don’t act like a stranger.
Don’t be so distant.
11You can go now.
I’m all set.
It’s just your imagination.
I’m so angry.
12Be quiet.
You never learn.
What a loud voice!
Oh, I see.
13Good for you.
Give me a break.
Hang in there.
Here we go!
14I’m counting on you.
Leave it to me.
Hear me out.
We made it!
15You’re so mean.
That’s gross!
I feel a chill.
Watch out!
16I told you.
Cheer up.
What a coincidence!
Don’t get me wrong.
17Nothing’s going right.
Cut it out.
I’ve got to go.
Never mind.
18Let’s shake hands.
I’m bored.
Keep cool.
Long time no see.
19I mean it.
Oh, my, my!
I’m freezing.
That’s so funny.
20Take a step back.
How come?
I’ll tell you what.
One more time.

1相手に何かをしたらと提案・助言するWhy don’t you…?
Maybe you should….
I think you should… 
It would be better if…
2一緒にしませんかと誘う・提案するWhy don’t we…?
Shall we…?
How about…?
I was wondering if you would like to…
Maybe we should…
3ある行為を勧めるWhy don’t you…?
I think you should…
I recommend that you…
If I were you, I would be doing…
Have you ever thought about…?
4申し出・勧めを断るNo, it’s alright.
Thanks, but I just…
I appreciate it, but I…
That’s not necessary.
Oh, don’t bother.
5依頼するIs it possible for you to…?
Could you…?
Would it be possible for you to…?
If it’s not too much trouble, could you…?
Would you mind ~ing…?
6情報を求めるExcuse me. Do you by any chance know…?
Do you have any idea why…?
Can you tell me what…?
I’d like to know why…
Could you tell me how to get to…?
7許可を求めるI’d like to…if that’s okay with you.
Do you mind if I…?
Do you think I could…?
Would it be possible for me to…? 
8許可を出すのを断るI’m afraid that’s out of the question.
I’m afraid you can’t…
No, I’m afraid not.
I’d like to say yes, but..
Absolutely not.
9条件付で承諾するAll right, as long as you…
All right, but only if you promise to…
Sure, but only if you…
Yes, I can, but I’ll need time…
Sure, as long as…
10意見を求めるHow do you feel about…?
How should we…? 
Does anybody have any comments on that?
11意見を述べるI’m sure…
I think that…
In my opinion, …
It seems to me that…
I may be wrong, but I think…
12同意するI agree with you completely.
That’s exactly how I feel.
Exactly! That’s what I’ve been thinking all this time.
Yes, that’s a good idea.
You can say that again!
13相手の見解を一部認めてから反論するThat’s partly true, but…
I agree with you up to a certain point, but…
I see your point, but…
You have a good point, but I don’t think…
That may be true, but…
14同意しない・反対するI totally disagree.
That’s out of the question.
That’s ridiculous.
Really? That’s not how I see it. I think…
I don’t think so.
15意見を述べるのを差し控えるI’d rather not say anything…
I’m sorry, but I can’t answer that.
I’d have to think about it.
I’m sorry, but I don’t know enough about… to be of much help.
16意見がないと言うI’m really in no position to talk about that.
I don’t know. 
I don’t care.
I don’t have any strong feelings about…
17相手の意見を質すI think you’re mistaking me for someone else.
I don’t think you’re old enough to…
In fact…
The matter of the fact is…
I don’t mean to argue with you, but I think…
I’m certain…
I have no doubt that…
There’s no doubt about it.
19可能性を聞くIs it possible to…?
Is there any possibility of ~ing?
Is there any chance…?
What are the chances of ~ing?
How likely is it…?
It’s possible.
There’s a good possibility that…
There’s a good chance that…
There’s a 90 percent chance that…
21謝罪するI’m sorry.
Sorry about that.
I apologize.
I’m sorry that…
I apologize for saying that.
22愚痴・文句・苦情を言うWe have a problem.
I hate… 
I’m not really pleased with…
Can you do something about…?
23ほめるYou look great.
You did very well.
Congratulations on your promotion!
Wow! That’s a nice…Where did you get it?
You did an excellent job.
24念を押す・気づかせるDon’t forget to…
Do you remember…?
Sorry to say this so many times, but can I ask you to remember to…?
Be sure to…
Just so that you won’t forget…
25激励する・行為の継続を促すYou’re almost there! / Keep going!
Don’t give up.
Hang in there!
Keep up the good work!
You’re doing fine.
26相手の行為を制止・禁止するStop ~ing…
You can’t…
I don’t want you to… 
…is prohibited
I’ll definitely be there.
I promise.
Consider it done.
You can count on me.
28約束をさせるDo you promise to…?
Make me a promise, will you?
Is that a promise?
Do you give me your word on that?
Do you swear you won’t tell?
29感謝の気持ちを伝えたいOh wow, thanks!
Thanks a lot. That will help.
It was very nice of you to…
Thank you for your help. I couldn’t have…without you.
Oh, how can I ever thank you?
30感謝の言葉に応えるYou’re welcome.
My pleasure.
Don’t mention it.
No need to thank me.
Not at all.
31会えてよかったと言いたいIt’s been nice talking with you.
Great seeing you.
It was great seeing you today.
Thank you for everything today.
It was nice seeing you.
32自分から会話を終わらせるNice talking with you, but I’d better get going.
Hey I’m sorry, I can’t talk any more, but I’ll see you…tomorrow, OK?
Well, I’ll stop bothering you now.
Then, I’ll let you go now.
Does anyone want to say something?
Well, if there’s nothing else, this will be all for today.

1繰り返しを求めるときYou what?
I’m sorry. Could you repeat that, please?
I’m sorry. I didn’t hear you. What did you say?
I’m sorry, but I’m getting a little confused.
Sorry to interrupt you, but I’m not quite following you. 
2語句の意味がわからないときWhat does X mean?
What is the meaning of X?
What do you mean by X?
How would you define X?
3具体例がほしいFor example?
For instance?
Like what?
Please give me some examples.
Could you give me an example?
4さらに詳しい説明がほしいときCould you be more specific?
Would you give me a few more details?
Would you please elaborate?
Can you explain that in detail?
5相手の言っていることがなんとなくはっきりしないときWhat does that mean?
What do you mean by that?
Wait, what do you mean?!
Why do you say that?
Why is that? / Why?
You mean… Am I correct?
6自分の理解が合っているかどうか確認したいときDo you mean to tell me that…?
If I understand you correctly, you mean…
Let me see if I’ve got it right.
Are you saying (that)…?
Could you tell me how to get to…?
7相手が自分のことを理解しているか どうか確認したいときHave you got all that?
Is what I’m saying clear?
Hey, are you with me?
Do you know what I mean?
8自分が誤解されていると感じたときI think you have misunderstood me.
I don’t want you to get the wrong idea about this.
Wait, wait. It seems that there has been a misunderstanding.
Perhaps we’ve misunderstood each other.
Don’t get me wrong.
9誤解を訂正したいときI’m not saying that…, but…
I didn’t mean to tell …. It slipped out.
Let me explain.
That’s not what I meant. I’m saying … 
Well, what I really meant was…
10話題を変えたいときHow about we change the subject?
Oh, by the way,…
To get off the subject for a moment,…
Oh, that reminds me of something.
Do you mind if I change the subject?
11話題を変えたくないときPlease don’t change the subject.
Before we begin talking about that, let’s finish the discussion at hand.
Would you mind staying on the subject?
I don’t want to change the subject.
I’ll get back to you later on that.
12話題を回避したいときLet’s not talk about that.
Oh, don’t bring that up!
Well, yes, but let’s not go into that right now.
Let’s talk about something else.
13脱線した話を元にもどしたいときTo return to our main topic, …
To get back to the point, …
Then, let’s get back on track. Where was I?
Let’s get back to what we were talking about before.
What were we talking about? Oh, yes. We were talking about…
14表現や即答に窮したときWell, let me see.
I can’t think of the right expression.
How should I say this?
Um, the name is on the tip of my tongue!
Well, you know, uh …
15会話に割り込みたいときExcuse me, may I interrupt you for a moment?
Excuse me, may I ask you a question?
Sorry to interrupt you, but I’m not quite following you.
Uh, do you mind if I say something?
Can I say something?

1発話に向かう態度Honestly speaking, … 
Frankly speaking ,…
To tell the truth, …
Metaphorically speaking, …
2発話の幅や正確さGenerally speaking, … 
Strictly speaking, …
Metaphorically speaking, …
Between you and me, …
3話す内容に関する感情を表すTo my disappointment, … 
Unfortunately, …
To my surprise, …
Between you and me, …
4視点・観点を示すWith respect to … 
With reference to …
From the point of view of…
In terms of …
Concerning …
5問題点や課題を具体的に示すI think the problem lies in … 
There is a problem with …
I realized what the problem is. That is,…
What is at issue here is that…
We have a big issue at hand. That is …
6論点を強化する、強調するIn addition to that,… 
What’s more, …
Most importantly, however,…
What I want to emphasize is that…
This is what we need to stress.
7具体例を挙げるTo illustrate,
For example,
For instance,
Here is an example.
Let me give you some more details on that.
8参考資料などを示すI’d like you to look at this graph showing… 
Let me show you a graph illustrating…
Let’s have a look at Table X on page X
Can you see the graph on this page?
Let me share this presentation data.
9予測を述べるWe forecast … 
It is difficult to predict…
I’m expecting…
We anticipate that…
The weather forecast says that …
10要約を述べるI’d like to summarize the main point. 
In short, …
The point is…
What I’m getting at is…
Let me get to the point.
11評価・判断を下すIt is unnecessary to…
It is absolutely necessary to …
It is more convenient to…
It is natural for X to…
It must be very embarrassing for X to…
12理由や方法を説明するThis is why…
This is the main reason …
This is because of …
This is how …
This is the way …
13出典・根拠・情報源を示すAccording to…
X says that…
From what I heard from X, …
Going by what X says, …
Based on the information I got, …
We certainly …
It is probable that …
It is unlikely that …
It is possible that …
15意見や結論を保留するPlease let us think about this matter.
I need more time to think about this.
I find it difficult to come to a conclusion on this matter right away.
I can’t decide now. Would you give me some time to think it over?
Let’s discuss this again next time and come to a conclusion.
15意見や結論を保留するPlease let us think about this matter.
I need more time to think about this.
I find it difficult to come to a conclusion on this matter right away.
I can’t decide now. Would you give me some time to think it over?
Let’s discuss this again next time and come to a conclusion.
16言いにくいことを述べるI’m afraid…
I’m sorry to say this, but…
It’s hard to say this, but…
I hate to bring this up, but…
I don’t know how to put this, but…
17何をしたいのか、 何をするつもりかを言うI want to…
I’d like to…
I’m going to…
I’m willing to…
I feel like…
18疑問を投げかけるI doubt if…
I have doubts about…
I’m skeptical about…
I don’t believe that…
I don’t understand how…
19批判的なコメントを言うCan I be frank with you?
To be frank with you,
Are you aware…
Why would you…
Why on Earth …
20あることの結果を述べるAs a result,…
As a consequence,…
21仮説を述べるIf my hypothesis is correct, …
I’d like to make a hypothesis based on…
I want to formulate a hypothesis about…
Let me start with the hypothesis that,…
Hypothetically speaking,…
22個人的な意見を述べるAs far as I’m concerned …
Personally, I think …
As for me,…
To be frank with you, I personally…
The way I see it is that…
23繰り返すAs I said before, …
As I told you, …
As I mentioned previously,…
Let me repeat what I said earlier.
I want to repeat the point I made a few minutes ago.
24相手を巻き込むAs you know, …
As you may have noticed already,…
As you can see,…
Let me repeat what I said earlier.
As everyone knows,…
25付け足すConcerning the point you brought up,
I’d like to say something about what you have just said.
In addition to what you just said,…
May I add something to what you said?
If I might add a word,…
26主要なポイントを述べるThe main aim is…
Our main objective is…
Our first priority should be…
The primary target is…
The initial concern is
27原因を述べるlead to
result in·…
bring about…
is the reason for …
28結論を述べるMy conclusion is the following points.
We conclude that …
In conclusion, let me leave you with the thought that…
As it turns out…
To conclude,…

